Unruly! Illegal events in full swing

4 years ago

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A stern Desmond McKenzie shared his disappointment with the lack of compliance for the Disaster Risk Management Act as he addressed the House of Representatives yesterday.

According to McKenzie, the persons violating the law are from “one social spectrum to the other”and it is a major cause for concern as there are implications for health as well as the reopening of schools after the Christmas holidays.

The Minister of Local Government and Rural Development pointed out that the measures are not an attack on the entertainment industry.

“The Government does not intend to stifle the entertainment sector. However, the return to a full range of activities depends on full compliance now, so that life after COVID-19 can be fully enjoyed by all” he said.

Based on the Minister’s presentation, there are at least 300 weekly events across the island weekly despite no permits being issued and health and safety protocols out the window.

“There have been bike shows, wakes and grave-digging ceremonies, church services with more than 50 people gathered, dances and street parties” McKenzie shared.

He continued by sharing that persons are using different means to promote illegal events and going as far as to falsely claim that they are endorsed by KSAC.