Stevie Wonder says he is moving to Ghana to escape racism

4 years ago

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Stevie Wonder was recently featured in an interview with Orpah Winfrey in which he revealed plans of moving to Ghana. Oprah, who appeared stunned by the revelation requested a rational and was subsequently saddened by the candid truth, racial injustice.

Stevie Wonder expressed reluctance to subject his lineage to the ongoing racism in America. In more words, he said,

“I don’t want to see my children’s children’s children have to say, ‘Oh, please like me. Please respect me. Please know that I am important. Please value me,’”

Wonder shared.

“What kind of [life would that be]?”

He also confirmed the move to be permanent as he had been eyeing the country for over 15 years. As early as 1994 he was documented saying he felt the West African country had “more of a sense of community” than the US.

Despite acknowledging the insufferable impurities of his birth nation, he wishes it well and says he hopes to see the nation “smile again”. He hasn’t divulged the date of his imminent departure but he hopes to see America assume a state of oneness before he leaves.

He has been showered with much love and support since the airing of the interview by his fans, those who have suffered at the hands of injustice and those who mirror his sentiment of a truly unified United States of America.

This also serves as another bold gesture to bring light to a recurring issue which will hopefully expedite the process to a sound resolution.