Police need better training and health insurance – JPF

Shannon-Dale Reid

1 year ago

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The Jamaica Police Federation (JPF) is calling for improved firearm training and the provision of health insurance for service members as the job is marked as high-risk.

The federation Corporal Rohan James, while addressing the JPF’s 80th annual joint conference, which was held in Trelawny on Tuesday, suggested that the Government engage the Jamaica Rifle Association to provide additional training, which will enable the police to meet the requirements of the Firearm Licensing Authority to obtain a licence.

Additionally, he recommended that the Government move swiftly to build remand centres and obtain accreditation for the National Police College.

James also said the Holness administration promised in 2019 to provide health coverage and to date, it has not materialised. He wants to the government to act swiftly on the matter.

This comes as over 50 members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) died while in the line of duty and of natural causes between May 1, 2022 and May 29, 2023.