More water woes – essential use only

Shannon-Dale Reid

1 year ago

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As the Prohibition Notice published on Sunday by the National Water Commission (NWC) came into effect today, the commission is highlighting that Jamaica is at its 3rd and lowest intake point for water supply.

To knock home its point, NWC posted a video of the Mona Treatment Plant that shows the lowest intake.

This means, the provision of the precious commodity has dropped significantly and the pumping of water will be reduced to conserve as much as possible for the period of the drought.

Understanding this, more stringent water conservation measures must now be observed.

It is now a prosecutable offence to waste water or use excessive amounts for non-essential purposes, as provided for under the law.

The limited potable water available according to the NWC should be reserved for essential uses, such as drinking, cooking, washing, bathing and sanitation in those areas still affected by drought condition.

Meanwhile, it must not be used for:

  1. Watering of gardens, lawns, grounds and farms;
  2. Refilling of ponds, or swimming pools and/or for use other than normal domestic services;
  3. Washing of vehicles by the use of a hose;
  4. Watering or washing roadways, pavements, paths, and garages;
  5. Any purpose which may require the use of a considerable or excessive quantity of water.

If caught in breach of any of the offense, there is a punishable fine that will be imposed by the parish courts after conviction or, for failing to pay the fine, imprisonment for up to thirty days.

The Prohibition Order took effect today, May 26, 2023.