Man arrested for abducting 13-year-old he met on Roblox

Racquel A. McKenzie

1 year ago

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Image Credit- Law and Crime

A 26-year-old man from Nebraska, USA was taken into federal custody for the abduction of a 13-year-old boy he met on an online gaming platform Roblox on Wednesday.

The accused Aaron Zema is facing multiple charges including kidnapping and resisting arrest.

Authorities state that the 13-year-old victim left his Utah home Monday night to meet Zeman after communicating with him over the internet. An Amber Alert was then issued Tuesday.

The victim’s parents also told authorities that their son was having sexually explicit conversations with Zema over a three-week period on Roblox.

The messages exchanged on both the Roblox chatroom and another messaging site revealed that the accused told the victim to take his passport and meet him at a nearby gas station on Monday.

Subsequently, officers went in pursuit of the accused and discovered him at a gas station in Nebraska.

It is understood that the accused reportedly parked his vehicle before turning around and going the wrong way. He then returned to the gas station.

Responding officers ran the license plate and found it was linked to an Amber Alert issued out of Layton City.

When he was ordered to exit the vehicle by police, the accused refused to do so and was later dragged from his vehicle while the victim was retrieved and sent to a nearby hospital for observation before he was returned to his family.

Meanwhile, the accused is being held on a $100,000 bond and is slated to appear in court on January 30.