Help coming for PEP students

4 years ago

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The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information will be providing additional special learning interventions for students.

Speaking in the House of Representatives on Tuesday, portfolio Minister Fayval Williams, said pupils will be provided with fully funded access to EduFocal and One on One Educational Services in preparation for the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) and other external examinations.

“We should note, too, that the Ministry has provided support to the vulnerable student population by enabling access to the Internet via reverse billing and negotiated for education data plans at reduced rates,”

she said.

She noted that the intervention

“has served in this prevailing period of the COVID-19 pandemic to provide a degree of connectivity that enables participation by vulnerable students (poor and near poor) in the remote teaching and learning environment”.

Mrs Williams also informed that a mobile student support initiative will be launched on January 18, and after-school classes will be provided to groups of five pupils for two hours, twice per week.

She noted that the classes will be accommodated at

“schools, church halls, community centres, Universal Service Fund (USF) community access points, Jamaica Library Service locations and other temporary learning spaces”.

The Minister expressed appreciation for the support and cooperation from stakeholders, as well as for the useful suggestions from principals and teachers.

“We will continue with our consultations and fine-tune all our efforts as we move forward together,”

she said.