Barbie “PerkUp” by Jamaican Coffee

Shannon-Dale Reid

2 years ago

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Blue Mountain Coffee Venture Limited Tuesday night “Perk up” the lives of the “Barbies & Kens” who came out for the Barbie Movie premiere at Carib 5 in Cross Roads, Kingston, Jamaica.

Also, the movie was in support of the Cancer Society and according to several studies, coffee drinking can lower the risk of some types of cancer, including prostate cancer, liver cancer, endometrial cancer, and some cancers of the mouth and throat – which is why, it was a good blend for the premiere.

The brand showcased creative ways for Jamaicans to use coffee and the beauties from a wide cross-section of Jamaica indulged along with the gents.

These were cocktails infused with coffee – a delightful difference from all the other coffee-like drinks.

Sleek caught up with Perk Up Gourmet Coffee’s Marketing strategist Hedda Rose Dunkley who told us all about the brand and the partnership with the Barbie Movie Premier

The brand is 100 % Jamaican Blue Mountain Estate coffee beans which are 100% certified by the Blue Mountain region.

According to the owners, “This coffee does taste great and has a higher level of caffeine that will perk you up!” this was evident during the Barbie Movie Tuesday night as the ladies and gents more than enjoyed the premiere.