Tami and Wayne’s chemistry makes #MTM a hit

4 years ago

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2020 came with a lot of things that we would want to forget but it also gave us #MeettheMitchells. 

Both Wayne Mitchell and his wife Tami had big personalities based on their musical careers. There is no doubt they had the ability to connect with an audience after their dozens of performances over the world. 

The couple takes us into their home and sometimes their car, showing real everyday experiences shedding the image that often comes with celebrity status. 

Both bring their fair share of excitement to the show. Wayne is the typical Mr Fix it husband and Tami is there to keep him in check. The chemistry between the two gives life to the show and the everyday situations are relatable for the viewers.

In a clip posted on social media a few days ago, Wayne was boasted that “ Me is a man who will just go home and do 100 sit-ups.” Tami was quick with the clap back “ You sure you a still deh man deh? A long time mi nuh see deh man deh inuh?

In another clip where Wayne was sporting is ‘Gyalis’ shirt, he had to remind Tami that she was lucky he hung up his jersey in the ‘Gyalis Hall of Fame’. Tami shutdown his claim by telling him that “big belly and gyalis nuh go together”.

There was also the battle of the corn where Tami was making fun of how Wayne ate corn.

“ Funny you never say anything when mi bite your ears so the other night,” Wayne hit back. The wife shared, that in fact, she was thinking about how he ate curried chicken earlier in the day. 

The two have managed to repackage their energy into an online show that has connected with many households in Jamaica and around the world. In six months, the show has garnered more than 120,000 subscribers and each episode brings on high engagement on social media.