Kryptic shares insights on recognizing a ‘hit’ song and characteristics of a good DJ

Stevian Francis

11 months ago

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One of the young and in-demand talents in the party and events space, “DJ Kryptic,” shares a few gems on recognising good songs and attributes of a great disc jock to stand out in a competitive music space.

Being among the highly rated “Young Turks” in the local and international dancehall space, you undoubtedly would have developed an ear for what works. How would you describe a hit?

He also spoke about balancing the TikTok ‘hype of a song’ versus a legitimately solid release.

“Mr WrldWxde,” highlighted the impact of the beats and lyrical composition as key attributes that a hit song possesses.

Having an ear for the next hit or break-out release also means being open to listening and playing songs outside of the trend. He shared several instances where songs he had helped introduce later blew up despite not initially being as “rated.”

Creative experimentation and technical proficiency during performances are among the attributes that separate top-tier DJs from the average selectors who rinse and repeat popular songs, the former Ardenne and Hillel student explained.

Three fun facts about Dj Krytpic;

  1. His name Isaac comes from the Bible
  2. He was born in the UK but raised in Jamaica
  3. He started to play music on virtual DJ at around 10 years old.