As soca lovers globally converge on the streets of Kingston for a day of non-stop revelry and excitement at Carnival in Jamaica 2024 we look at a few classic songs dedicated to Road March.
Soca icon Machel Montano powers up his “big truck” to start the list. This 1997 classic remains a staple for the fetes, especially the famed road events, which are known to have the big trucks carrying the sound systems and respective bands.
Machel Montano and Xtatik “Footsteps”
Machel Montano and Xtatik follow up with another road march dedicated to the classic via “Foot Steps.” The ground stomping single colourful expounds the activeness of resellers “chipping” on the road while doubling as a fun instructional track to lift the pump energy at any segment on the trail.
“Wi ready fi road” says it all, Bunji Garlin’s soca anthem “Differentology” speaks directly to the anticipation and excitement around the Carnival. In addition to vibes from the track, the single vividly describes the atmosphere of non-stop revelry and jubilance.
Byron Lee and the Dragonaires-Carnival Killers
This timeless 1991 release by the legendary Byron Lee and the Dragoneers band immediately compels a nostalgic feeling of excitement regardless of generation, not only serving as a calling card for carnival lovers but also gives a nice introduction to tradition for newbies.
Patrice Roberts and Machel Montano Band of the Year
Band of the Year certainly has become a classic staple, especially during Carnival, with the collaboration instantly delivering a road-ready feel among revellers, serving as solid recharge while chipping on the trail.