Spotify developing new features; allowing users to remix, and speed up songs

1 month ago

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Spotify users may soon be able to remix, slow down or speed up their favourite songs directly from the platform following reports that the streaming service is developing a feature similar to that of TikTok.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the new tool would allow paid Spotify subscribers to edit and create mash-ups of tracks from their favourite artistes, which could also be saved for future listening.

The music streaming platform is looking to capitalise on the popularity of music modifications that have helped boost the notoriety of TikTok.

Content analysis firm Pex found that 38% of songs on the platform had their speeds or pitches altered last, compared to 25 % in 2022, Verge reports.

The development could be an interesting trade-off for subscribers following reports of a planned price hike this year.