50/50 in the Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade household

Shannon-Dale Reid

12 months ago

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Hollywood actress Gabrielle Union who has been married to NBA superstar Dwyane Wade since 2014, has revealed they go 50/50 on all bills.

While appearing on the Black Millionaires podcast, by James Hill, Gabrielle explained how as a couple they deal with bills and why she has anxiety about being financially secure.

The 50-year-old top actress also had a chat with Bloomberg’s Idea Generation in a wide discussion about business, branding, and why she feels like she’s financially conservative.

“It’s weird to say I’m head of the household because in this household we split everything 50/50,” Gabrielle said.

Despite the couple’s collective success and wealth, Gabrielle admitted that she remains in a mindset of anxiety and scarcity when examining the bottom line.

However, she is “trying to find peace in the journey; not using my anxiety and scarcity mindset to be my engine, which is hard.”

According to celebrity net worth, the Hollywood married couple has a combined net worth of $210 million.