20 things for 20 somethings when moving out


4 years ago

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If you’re moving out of your parent’s house during a pandemic, 1. Where are you employed? and 2. Are they hiring? It must be oh so amazing to be one of God’s favourites. Seriously though, let’s be completely honest; finding a decent place to call home in Jamaica is not the easiest task. It’s not even classified as medium difficult; it’s non-stretch, only available in one colour, not machine washable hard. 

Even so, there remains a blessed few who happen to stumble upon the gems of real estate. Moving can be compared to jumping into a new relationship; the rush of something new, managing expectations, and the beloved honeymoon stage where you’re nurturing your newfound bond into what you actually want it to be and in the honeymoon phase everything happens so fast. One minute you’re paying the deposit and the next you’re calling your friends to help you haul your one million and one things out of your room while simultaneously wondering if you really need them all. Now is not the time to think through, we’re all about action; here are a couple things you’ll need:


Now I’m not saying this is the most important thing on the list but I’m not saying it isn’t. We live in a digital age & WiFi like food, shelter and water is a basic need. Luckily for us, we’re only interested in packages from service providers that offer WiFi only. It may take a while to get installed but trust me, it’s a necessity worth the wait. How else will we be able to go on amazon to fill our cart with household items? Half of which we won’t check out but it’s all about the experience! How will we order food online since cooking realistically will be a rare sensual act in our new home? or even complete tasks for our job that pays our rent and pending bills? Are you getting the picture or you’re unable to download it because you’re using your data plan? moving on…

2. A Refrigerator

There is something so magical about owning things. It’s definitely elite to own your refrigerator, this isn’t a process you want to rush either. The perfect refrigerator definitely exists and it’s all about your preference, your budget and your space. You’re going to need food in that house and your food needs a home too. A good refrigerator can cost you USD$500 and up. While it’s okay to do hire-purchase an alternative is having your parents make the purchase in full on your behalf and you pay them in installments. While most of us prefer not to involve the folks in our quest to adulthood, trust me when I say that your relationship with your parents automatically improves once you move out so I wouldn’t rule out asking for help on certain matters just yet.

3. A Bed

Now, this might seem like a given but for most people but a bed is one of the most delayed purchases. If you’re renting a furnished space then a bed would be included, love that for you but there’s something elite in owning your bed. I’d definitely encourage you to get your space unfurnished, not only is it more cost-effective where rent is concerned but it also presents you with the opportunity to own furniture..like an actual adult..now that? is an amazing feeling.

4. A Vanity/Dresser

The word essential comes to mind! Especially if you don’t wish to return home each day to find clothing items attacking you from every direction of your room. Lest we also forget the constant struggle of being late for work due to sifting through bodies of clothes just find that one black top that is probably under our bed staring at us in disappointment. I want better for you!

5. A Full-Length Mirror

You’re mature, you are cultured and most importantly you are now more practical than ever. You moved out because it’s time for you to take more responsibility for your life & transition from adolescence to full-ledge adulthood. This just also happens to include going anywhere you want, whenever you want so why should you take a chance with your appearance? If this list was in order of importance, a full-length mirror would be top two and not two but everyone’s priorities are different. Realistically speaking, you also have to consider photo potential, how else will our followers on social media know we have tasteful decor style in our new space? Remember we post to inspire and never to brag. 

6. A Stove

Full disclaimer, there is no shame in knowing how to only boil water and nothing else. Life is for living but it’s also for learning. Cooking not only saves cash for you to repurpose BUT it also saves you from starving to death when you’re flat out broke or experiencing one of those ”slow” periods. Besides, even if we’re still in the beginner stage of cooking…we do have friends who can cook for us. Are you guys familiar with the barter system, they make you dinner and you provide them with a haven of peace and quiet for a couple of hours. 

7. A Desk/Workstation

Thanks to the pandemic, our bedroom from the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m is now our office. Whether we’re switching from the kitchen to the living room, nothing beats having a designated work area equipped with everything you could need to be productive. A desk set isn’t cheap but having one made ensures you save a few pennies while getting something that fits your style and taste. Please don’t spend time convincing yourself that your bed is suitable for meeting deadlines and deliverables on a day to day basis; been there, done that, never going back.

8. Organizer Bins

You never really realize how much things you actually have until you’re in your own space. There are so many items you can’t even throw away because they actually serve a purpose. Organizer bins come in many sizes and colors but they all aid in arranging your knick-knacks in a clean and aesthetically pleasing manner. You can find them online or at your local stores and if you’re always late or in a rush, you for sure want to purchase the clear ones so you can see what’s in each bin; a real lifesaver.

9. Surge Protector(s)

This is where you move from the beginner to the intermediate level of adulting. You now own most if not all the electrical items in your home & 

you have to protect them at all costs. A surge protector detects excess current caused by a spike or surge in your electricity and prevents damage to your high-end electronic devices. Unquestionably a necessity that you’ll thank God for especially during maintenance outages by your provider.

10. A Couch 

I know what you’re thinking, why do you need a couch when you won’t have anyone over? Maybe because that’s a blatant lie. In the beginning, you might feel like you won’t have as many guests at your new home but as you get used to being on your own, that will surely change. When it does, you have to be a gracious host and at least have something for your guest(s) to sit on. Aside from that, no one likes “outside clothes” on their bed; no sir not sanitary at all. You’ll appreciate having the couch when you’re ready to lounge around but not necessarily desire the comfort of your bed. The couch creates another place for you to reside.

11. A Shower Caddy

Underestimating how stress-free this single household item makes your time in the bathroom is your first mistake. Like organizers, they come in a range of shapes, colors and sizes so you’re bound to find the one that’s perfect for you. You don’t have to play hide and go seek with your body wash or your shampoo, everything is right where you need it to be.

12. A Steamer

I’m all for honesty, speaking your truth and the truth is no one has time to iron. Especially in the morning when time is moving faster than ever. Steamers are efficient and require minimal work. The only disadvantage is that it doesn’t get the creases in all fabrics but having both a steamer and an iron can give you the best of both worlds.

12. A Smart TV

This is actually on the borderline between a need and a perk. I’m however writing it off as a need. Though we are in the streaming era, there will be times where you have to see the bigger picture. Literally, you’re going to want a bigger screen than your laptop or phone. A smart TV also allows you the luxury of working on your devices while watching a Netflix episode in the background. It’s all about multi-tasking.

14. A First-Aid Kit

Accidents happen and for some reason they happen the most once you’re living on your own. Having a first-aid kit in the house is imperative to your overall health. While it’s one of the most underrated household items, it’s proven to be one of the most useful. From minor ailments to injuries, it can help reduce the risk of infection or the severity of an injury.

15. Blue tooth Speakers

Whether we’re cleaning, cooking, vibing alone or with our guests —Music is vital in every given situation. Luckily enough, speakers aren’t that expensive and you can get one of great quality for under USD$70. Depending on your idea of the perfect sound system, you can purchase it on Amazon or locally in Radioshack.

16. A Safe

Now that you’re responsible for certain things that are a serious nuisance to replace; your birth certificate, passport etc. You now have to find that ideal and safe place to keep them. When your documents/valuables are locked away safely, you increase your chances of these items surviving home tragedies.

17. A Washing Machine

We seem to always be intimidated by the price behind this lovely appliance. You need it, that’s the end of that. If you’re blessed to find an apartment with a washing machine included then that’s fantastic! But if you weren’t that fortunate then make the investment otherwise you can either add washing by hand to your weekly work-out regime or throw away a good amount of money monthly on laundromats and trips to your friend’s house to use their washing machine. The choice is yours!

18. Candles

Above all else, your mental health takes precedence. Living alone could be the most exciting time of your life but it can also get a bit lonely and some might say depressing. A good candle can lift your mood and put you in a relaxing state all while leaving behind an amazing aroma in your space.

19. A Custom Wine Glass

If you know, you know! No further explanation is needed other than the fact that life is hard and wine makes it ten times better by the bottle. Also…sharing is not caring, that is all.

20. A Kind Neighbour 

No man is an island, getting to know the people who live around you is actually a plus. Sometimes issues will arise that only someone who has been here longer than we have can assist us with, for that a kind neighbour is vital.

Moving out on your own for the first time can be a little scary but as long as you have a budget, a plan, a stable source of income and an open mind; you’ll be just fine.